Unmade Fantastic Fiction videos

Hey everybody. For those of you who remember my Youtube channel, you know that I used to make Fantastic Fiction videos, which were review/analysis pieces on various fantasy works. I don’t make those anymore, but I need to test out how the site deals with pictures. So for this article I’m gonna tell you about all the Fantastic Fiction videos that were planned but never made.

The Discworld books
I had the scripts for The Thief of Time and The Last Hero complete, and had started on the script for The Amazing Maurice and his Educated Rodents. But then things happened. Here’s what I can tell you.

What is Project Shenmue?

Okay, so, I mentioned in my big Youtube announcement that I am working on a new novel, the working title being Project Shenmue.

Shenmue has always held a weird fascination over me. I remember seeing images and gameplay footage of it when I was younger, but not catching the name of the game itself. As such, I could have easily forgotten the game entirely, if not for my accidental rediscovery of it after college, thanks to the timely intervention of a Youtuber named Super Eyepatch Wolf.

I think I can say, without fear of contradiction, that the story of Shenmue is very simple. Most of its diehard fans point to its historical game design and play mechanics when discussing why it’s a good game. But even if it’s simple, there’s something about the overarching plot of the Shenmue series that gets to you. Who was the man Ryo’s father supposedly killed? Did he really kill him? What secrets of his father’s life will Ryo uncover in his pursuit for revenge? These questions stick with you, and they’re what drew me to Shenmue.

So, like many people, I was very excited for Shenmue 3. At last, we were getting answers and a thrilling conclusion to the story, right? Right?

The website is up!

Woo! My new website is finally up and running, and I hope you all like it!

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